
Hoods are expensive

Favorite color perhaps??

It’s her again..

Ahhh it’s love..

see July 7, 2011 and September 8, 2011 for more


i gues it don’t cont nemor

You are my sunshine


see August 24, 2011 and September 8, 2011 for more


 Singin… Just beat it…

naw for real.. beat it..

Freak is right


These boots vs Forrest

Waiting for the bus is like a box of chocolates…

ya neva know what you’ll see..


A horse says what??


HAM outside of Roscoe’s Sunset.

Do you see what I see?

Gold shimmery mini skirt, a red top, red shoes, big gold purse (?)

and a VERY bad weave.

I almost lost my appetite


no words..

sooo…how much is it?

So, what exactly ARE they selling?

Subway Gangsta

Why mom…??


It is too early in the morning for this Gangsta pose in Subway…

with pajamas, a bathrobe, shower cap and striped socks..